« Often, in the evening, lost in my thoughts, I envied the fate of the other children: they slept at home, shared pleasant moments with family. As for me, I stood there, alone, unseeed, unseeed. (...) `E`n face, Jerome with deep eyes, who was watching me attentively. Once he threw me, with his voice off, in a superhuman effort one: "Aa bva?" The thought that Jerome, paralyzed at the bottom of his bed, was worried about my tiny worries still upsets me today. He had not lectured me on courage, on the need to think positive (...) but with simple words: "Aa bva?" he had said everything. His support was total. There is a growing tendency to exclude the different, the useless, the foreign, the other... Jerome couldn't do anything physically. After assessing its possibilities, it was readily described as "unprofitable". Yet he taught me, better than anyone else, the hard "man's job". »
Alexandre Jollien
Praise for weakness |
Alexandre Jollien
Praise for weakness
« To live is to suffer and burst out laughing... »
Alexandre Jollien
Living without why |
Alexandre Jollien
Living without why
« Gratitude as an antidote to dissatisfaction, as an awareness that I also exist through the other, has not finished delivering me... »
Alexandre Jollien
Living without why |
Alexandre Jollien
Living without why