Quotations from Alexandre Jollien in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Alexandre Jollien, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« Anger this fundamental passion is the responsibility of the animal part in us, however, as one Internet user reminds us, it is above all "the manifestation of a wounded ego". Our propensity for irritability tells quite well the degree of our susceptibility and the extent of our attachments. So when in the distance rises a crisis, a threshold of bloodshed, it remains only to realize that, almost suddenly on, it is my little self that is not happy, that it feels threatened flouted, outraged. The remedies required will inevitably hold palliative care as long as the ego reigns supreme amid the outbursts of rage, the outbursts of fury. Anger is a true self-goal, it almost inevitably aggravates the situation. Isn't the one she's taking over above all her prey? I fear it because it takes me away from joy and has made me stupid, wicked and unhappy more than once. (...) Behind the anger, it seems, is another passion, fear. I presume that a man without it would be released from that one. What he does not get by vociferating, he might have, if he had kept his calm received on a tray. Yes, the angry one shoots himself in the foot. »
Alexandre Jollien
The Naked Philosopher
Alexandre Jollien
The Naked Philosopher
« In the past, by the voice of the skeptics, you already prosced any presumption and ruled out haste. The Latin word "praeceps", the "head first", testifies to the peril that threatens the impatient. Similarly you inspired Wittgenstein, one of your distinguished representatives of the past century. The curious man used to greet who passed him by a "Take your time". The philosopher, who took his time and therefore came last, could find only through his eyes. As a gentleman, the author of the "Tractatus logico-philosophicus" insinuated that it was very wise to defer his answers. »
Alexandre Jollien
Self-building: A use of philosophy
Alexandre Jollien
Self-building: A use of philosophy
« I project on the different individual, all the anguish, the fear, the discomfort that arises from dissimilarity. In the absence of experience, I cannot explain this very complex feeling which, certainly, finds its source first in ourselves. »
Alexandre Jollien
Praise for weakness
Alexandre Jollien
Praise for weakness
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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