Quotations from Alexandre Jollien in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Alexandre Jollien, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« Caution and vigilance would already recommend delaying the time of action, to question what is really good. Blinded, the enthusiast is able, against his own interest (many examples attest), to shoot himself in the foot. How, next time, can I attempt resistance or inaction without obeying the harmful desires that manifest themselves in me? I remember how Seneca evokes the way Galien advised a master, unhappy to have beaten his slave. He'd say to her, "Next time, think, "I'm going to beat him tomorrow." Let's bet that in the morning, the intemperant no longer wanted to give a beating to his servant! So, in the face of the violence of passion, cunning, deferring and - why not? - practice the art of detour, on the condition that emotion does not prevail. »
Alexandre Jollien
The Naked Philosopher
Alexandre Jollien
The Naked Philosopher
« When I watched my little Celeste giggle on the changing table this morning, she was all smiles. She was watching her toes and fingers, I had before my eyes the spectacle of total joy and incredible availability. She didn't ask, "Why am I here?" She wasn't looking good in front of her dad. She was there, being changed, laughing and open to life. I imagined myself for two minutes in his place, lying on his back with my paws in the air. I would inevitably have asked myself a thousand questions. I would have asked myself, "When is this going to end, I'm going to catch cold?" , "What am I going to do all day?" »
Alexandre Jollien
Small Treatise on Abandonment: Thoughts to Welcome Life as It Proposes
Alexandre Jollien
Small Treatise on Abandonment: Thoughts to Welcome Life as It Proposes
« By dint of wanting to amass, we deprive ourselves of what life gives. A tramp who is not a tramp, a disabled man who is not undugly, a life that is not a life and a strip that is not a stripping - that's why I call him stripping - that's the way! »
Alexandre Jollien
Small Treatise on Abandonment: Thoughts to Welcome Life as It Proposes
Alexandre Jollien
Small Treatise on Abandonment: Thoughts to Welcome Life as It Proposes
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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