« To detach myself from sad passions, to gradually reduce addictions, I want and must glean the joy where she gives herself, to remain in the sun. »
Alexandre Jollien
The Naked Philosopher |
Alexandre Jollien
The Naked Philosopher
« Between "I am as I am and after me the flood!" and "When we want, we can!" there is a possible ridge path. Tonight, the impulses, the sorrows, the fascinations I read, remind me that I belong to the human race, that I am not so different from others. »
Alexandre Jollien
The Naked Philosopher |
Alexandre Jollien
The Naked Philosopher
« In the common search for arguments, the one who is defeated to earn more in proportion to what he has just learned. (Epicure) »
Alexandre Jollien
Self-building: A use of philosophy |
Alexandre Jollien
Self-building: A use of philosophy