« The temptation is great to multiply the prowess to display a generosity of pageantry. True love doesn't demand anything. He relishes joy in the very act of giving. To love freely is to rejoice. Love is a joy accompanied by the idea of an external cause. »
Alexandre Jollien
Self-building: A use of philosophy |
Alexandre Jollien
Self-building: A use of philosophy
« The spirit of simplicity goes without luggage and relaxes naturally. The parade, the roles, the masks leave him effortlessly. There is nothing, nothing more to prove. »
Alexandre Jollien
Self-building: A use of philosophy |
Alexandre Jollien
Self-building: A use of philosophy
« In my opinion, true self-knowledge is akin to a form of simplicity of naivety, perhaps. Above all, it is a question of keeping intact an innocence, a transparency, of becoming aware of its strengths and without comparing itself, dealing with them. »
Alexandre Jollien
Self-building: A use of philosophy |
Alexandre Jollien
Self-building: A use of philosophy