Quotations from Alexandre Jollien in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Alexandre Jollien, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« (p. 80) There is no sense in my existence. No sense that could be found later in saying, "My life has made sense." There is no need to research why I exist. Life is purely free. Instead, you have to ask how I can give the most of everything I am today. »
Alexandre Jollien
Small Treatise on Abandonment: Thoughts to Welcome Life as It Proposes
Alexandre Jollien
Small Treatise on Abandonment: Thoughts to Welcome Life as It Proposes
« A torrent flows naturally from the top of the mountain towards the plain. For the mind it's the same. Ideas flow, flow and they have to be allowed to do so. As soon as we freeze in anger, hatred there is suffering. The Tibetan Buddhist suggests looking at our thoughts as if they were our children whom we contemplate, that we watch peacefully. »
Alexandre Jollien
Small Treatise on Abandonment: Thoughts to Welcome Life as It Proposes
Alexandre Jollien
Small Treatise on Abandonment: Thoughts to Welcome Life as It Proposes
« Benevolence. the word "benevolence" comes from the Latin bene volens. Volunteering is first and foremost about wanting the good of others. we do not volunteer to "restore the coat of arms" but because we want the good of the other. and this is perhaps a challenge of love and friendship: to want the good of the other without imposing on him his own version of the good. The phrase of the Soutrâ du Diamant still applies here perfectly: "Good is not good, that is why I call it good." Because when you think you know what good is for the other, you often impose your prejudices on them and move away from what is really good for them. Above all, do not impose the good. »
Alexandre Jollien
Small Treatise on Abandonment: Thoughts to Welcome Life as It Proposes
Alexandre Jollien
Small Treatise on Abandonment: Thoughts to Welcome Life as It Proposes
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