« Even if suppressed emotions manage to rise to the surface, they will find it difficult to compete for the early-acquired mechanisms. It is that they have served so long to minimize pain. No more using it is like swimming against the current; not only is it scary, but it also creates feelings of isolation. One is exposed to the reproach of tearful self-pity. Yet it is here that the path to maturity begins. »
Alice Miller
Our bodies never lie |
Alice Miller
Our bodies never lie
« According to the ideas still widespread, children are devoid of sensitivity, the suffering inflicted on them remains incent, or has less consequences than in adults, because "they are still children". Until recently, it was even allowed to operate on children without anesthesia. The circumcision of little girls, the circumcision of little boys, as well as sadistic initiation rituals, are still common in many countries. Beating an adult is called torture, beating a child as an educational measure. Don't these facts alone show that most people's brains have a "lesion", a big hole where empathy should reside, especially THE KNOW? Basically, this observation alone is enough to show that beaten children keep brain damage, because almost all adults are insensitive to violence against children! »
Alice Miller
Your life saved at last |
Alice Miller
Your life saved at last
« It is apparently essential for human beings to have access to their emotions so that they can manage their lives. »
Alice Miller
The future of the drama of the gifted child |
Alice Miller
The future of the drama of the gifted child