« For many, who have been cut off from their feelings since their early childhood, it can happen in therapy, and for the first time, something vital to building faculties that could not be built in "emotionally adapted" children. Perhaps intense joys can foster this edification? »
Alice Miller
The future of the drama of the gifted child |
Alice Miller
The future of the drama of the gifted child
« The advantage of pleasant emotions is that they can have a constructorary, nourishing function, which will finally allow the integration of old painful experiences, in case it is still necessary. More often than not, the old traumas fade, lose their importance, when the present allows the person to express himself freely, and above all to remain in close contact with his feelings and his current needs. »
Alice Miller
The future of the drama of the gifted child |
Alice Miller
The future of the drama of the gifted child
« My gratitude to my readers for their abundant mail is already expressed through many pages of this book, but I would like to say it to them expressly here. Many of them have in fact "participated" in this work, without their knowledge, but they must remain anonymous because their information was confidential. Their stories, their tragic destinies, often inconceivable, and finally their disappointing experiences with unconscious or dishonest therapists of all orientations, have shown me, time and time again, how easy it is for therapists to abuse the tragic situation of beings abused in their childhood. »
Alice Miller
The future of the drama of the gifted child |
Alice Miller
The future of the drama of the gifted child