« For the atheist, the hypothesis of the existence of God is not to remember: that of the existence of the devil remains to be considered. In any case of the two assumptions the second will appear less unreasonable. »
André Frossard
Les 36 preuves de l'existence du diable |
André Frossard
Les 36 preuves de l'existence du diable
« That the mechanics of the mind did not understand, is that when God manifests himself, he has no need of the senses: he comes into direct communication with this "ability to the divine" that is the soul. »
André Frossard
Paris-Match - 29 août 1991 |
André Frossard
Paris-Match - 29 août 1991
« You can change the idea so that it is impossible to change God. In this sense, this God there seems inaccessible. »
André Frossard
Paris-Match - 29 août 1991 |
André Frossard
Paris-Match - 29 août 1991