Quotations from Boris Tzaprenko in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Boris Tzaprenko, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« It is very important for the flesh industry to master your TVM (Lean Meat Rate). This is the ratio of the amount of meat to the total weight of the carcass. To optimize it, the child is immobilized so that he does nothing but turn the fodder into flesh, but be careful not to over-feed it to prevent it from making fat as well. The machine to convert plant proteins into animal proteins must be fed just the right thing, too bad if it is frustrated, because filling its hunger is not the end. That's why we don't let you suck your mother. You'd take too much of his milk. Until you die, you will live with this hunger, but soon a much more painful deprivation will make you almost forget it. »
Boris Tzaprenko
Look me in the eye
Boris Tzaprenko
Look me in the eye
« Minimizing the space of the flesh machines also reduces the investment costs of the holding facilities. So everything converges: the less room the slaves have, the more profitable it is. This must be applied as much as possible, that is to say to the extreme limit beyond which he succumbs too much because of the suffering induced. By testing, this limit was found for each species. For battery-laying hens, this is the surface of an A4 sheet. »
Boris Tzaprenko
Look me in the eye
Boris Tzaprenko
Look me in the eye
« As far as you are concerned, as long as you do not exceed 150 kilos you will live in 1.50 square meters. Between 150 and 220 kilos, you will have 1.70 square meters, and exceeding 220 kilos will entitle you to 1.80 square meters. Don't forget that the lion eats the gazelle. That's life! »
Boris Tzaprenko
Look me in the eye
Boris Tzaprenko
Look me in the eye
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