Quotations from Christophe André in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Christophe André, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« Be careful not to amplify his resentment by raising his head with relatives. Often, when you are irritated, you will confide in loved ones: it is to tell them our side of the story. As they love us, they will often accept it and thus validate it. And this support can actually calm me down, and then make me take a step back: this sip of affection and esteem lifts my spirits and, soothing my sadness, soothes my resentment. But this favourable listening can also lead to its consolidation. From my truncated version, my loved ones "believe" me too much and risk sinking me a little deeper into a distorted view of things: "I'm right and the other is wrong. And it's not just me who says it: my friends think so too. So how can we not continue to feel resentment? Work has been carried out, which confirms the phenomenon of what is then called "corumination": one reshashes with friends, friendship comes out improved, but not lucidity; it is mainly women who seem to resort to these coruminations, or at least, they recognize it, more easily... »
Christophe André
States of soul: Learning about serenity
Christophe André
States of soul: Learning about serenity
« Not clarifying a worrying state of mind is a bit like not hanging up your phone after a communication: the line will then be busy and unavailable for other calls... »
Christophe André
States of soul: Learning about serenity
Christophe André
States of soul: Learning about serenity
« Pay attention to hidden obligations. As we have seen with regard to the states of resentment, we are always inhabited by subconscious beliefs belonging to one of the three families: "I should... "The others should... "The world should... Among the saddening beliefs (there are schools, worrying ones...), there is for example in the "I should": "Always be well, always succeed in what I undertake, always know how to react and solve problems... In the "Others should for me": "to be faithful, not to forget me, to be righteous, to respect me, to listen to me, to understand me... And in the "The World Should": "be just, coherent, gentle... These beliefs are legitimate and represent ideals for most humans. But the inability to endure that sometimes these ideals are not achieved can cause suffering in us, without us being clearly aware of it: even if we consciously know that the world is not like in our dreams, we dream of it unconsciously. »
Christophe André
States of soul: Learning about serenity
Christophe André
States of soul: Learning about serenity
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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