Quotations from Christophe André in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Christophe André, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« In subjects without particular problems, there is a direct correlation between the number of walking steps taken each day and the feeling of energy and good humour. About ten minutes of brisk walking is enough to elevate our well-being, and the effect lasts about ninety minutes. More finely, it seems that exercise increases positive moods and normalizes them, and also decreases, less markedly, negative moods. Perhaps this is why the benefits of walking do not appear clearly to us: when we go wrong (negative states of mind), our expectation is that negative moods decrease markedly and rapidly. This is what we are attentive to, more than to the increase of our positive moods, less easy to perceive, because more subtle. »
Christophe André
States of soul: Learning about serenity
Christophe André
States of soul: Learning about serenity
« One of my favourite writers, Joseph Delteil, published a short book called Paleolithic Cuisine in 1964, almost fifty years ago. It was the era of emerging materialism and confidence in its ability to create a better tomorrow. Delteil, a little grandpa with a keen eye and an old velvet jacket, who lived happily almost Montpellier, wrote, surprisingly prophetic: "Modern civilization is the enemy. This is the age of caricature, the triumph of artifice. An attempt to replace the man in the flesh with the robot man. Everything is adulterated, polluted, rigged, all nature distorted. Look at these metallurgical landscapes, the atmosphere of corrupt cities (the coloured lungs of Louvre), the air and their birds stuffed with insecticides, fish poisoned to the bottom of the oceans by nuclear waste, everywhere the lifting of carcinogens, the mind-blowing speed, the infernal tintamarre, the great panic of nerves, hearts, souls, chain, chain I tell you... such is industrial life, atomic life. The great crime of modern man! yes this is just a cry: Fire! To the madman! To the murderer! Another of my favorite authors, Louis-René Des Forêts, wrote: "The overabundance has nothing to do with fertility. Nothing to add. »
Christophe André
States of soul: Learning about serenity
Christophe André
States of soul: Learning about serenity
« Of course we have to do and act in our lives. But are we well aware of all those moments when doing is running away? Of those moments when we embark on actions not to build but to avoid experiencing? »
Christophe André
States of soul: Learning about serenity
Christophe André
States of soul: Learning about serenity
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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