Quotations from Christophe André in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Christophe André, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« Meditation allows better concentration skills to work or think. Even if it is the opposite of what it was developed for: not at all to make us more efficient ... It is likely that mindfulness leads us to more creativity, through less self-censorship. Let it help us to think open doors and windows of the mind: to welcome everything before deciding. »
Christophe André
States of soul: Learning about serenity
Christophe André
States of soul: Learning about serenity
« There is no need to idealize the past: the societies of yesteryear also had their flaws, they could dumb down boredom and monotony, stifle individuals under collective constraints (family, neighbourhood, society). But today, the defects are the opposite: overstimulation and phobia of boredom, overvaluation of the person at the expense of the group. We must therefore invent new forms of society, instead of undergoing the present or aspiring to return to the old. And for this to happen, we must progress internally: it is when material progress goes faster than psychological and spiritual progress that humans suffer. When the biggest corporate investments are those that are intended to produce more and consume more, without investment in the face of personal balance, everyone is in moral danger. So we have to fight and grow in our heads and in our behaviors... »
Christophe André
States of soul: Learning about serenity
Christophe André
States of soul: Learning about serenity
« You walk in a public garden on a winter morning, on your way to work, with your health concerns. You meet two women who run, chatting, cheerfully, looking healthy. You are suddenly overwhelmed by the flood of your feelings: envy ("they are healthy, they"), irritation ("two housewives who have nothing to do but take care of going well"), sadness ("if only I could not be sick"), worry ("how is it going to end?"). Everything starts to loop, but you keep walking, breathing cold air, soaking up the smells of the park and the city, all mixed up. You're not trying to fight your moods, but you're just waiting for them to pass. And everything goes away without you understanding why or how. Peace came back just because you came back to live in the present moment. »
Christophe André
States of soul: Learning about serenity
Christophe André
States of soul: Learning about serenity
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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