Quotations from David Vall in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from David Vall, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« People who feel the urge to read when they are in the middle of a crowd or on public transport do not know that they are adopting a paragon of autistic attitude. ... Reading is a retreat into the inner world of imagination and mental representation; by reading a book in public, we cut ourselves off from the reality that surrounds us because it assaults us with its noises, its smells, its images, its spasmodic movements; to read in public is to refuse contact with others. Of course, reading a book allows you to pass the time while distracting or cultivating yourself. But at the heart of the people's shifting mass, reading a book is often tantamount to protecting one's individual bubble, closing borders, erecting barriers and keeping unwanted quidams at bay. And yet who will dare to say that reading is pathological behavior? »
David Vall
Flesh and marble
David Vall
Flesh and marble
« Everything that is done at night is outside the rules and conventions of the day. Everything that is said at night is nestled in a kind of protective bubble which each user tacitly consents to silence the existence. The night provides a succulent anonymity. »
David Vall
Flesh and marble
David Vall
Flesh and marble
« There is something fascinating about how a colony of birds moves in the sky or a school of fish in the ocean, says Cillian. There is such harmony, such synchronicity when they move with the winds and currents that it seems that all, they are one. I once read that the most fascinating thing about all this is that there is no need for the individual to have an overview at all to know how to react, escape such a predator or catch such a carrier current. It is enough for the individual to be aware only of the movements of his close neighbours to coordinate his own. Thus the perfect chord is born in the movement and these sudden changes of direction, these instant ruptures of course, as if they were all directed by the same spirit. Can you imagine what Man would be able to do if he tried to pay attention to his neighbors and behave in harmony with them? Can you imagine the great things that humanity would be capable of? Instead, every individual, every nation, seeks its own interest without caring about those around them. That's why they all bump and bump, knock themselves out in mid-flight, lose feathers and all end up falling into free fall, and crashing to the ground. »
David Vall
Flesh and marble
David Vall
Flesh and marble
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