Quotations from David Vall in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from David Vall, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« All the bodies resonated here, surrendering whole to the same habituation, spurred on by the same enjoyment. The sound vibrations and heady lights carried the flesh in their dizzying echo and plunged the mind into a state of hypnotic, jubilant trance. All blended into the same sensitive and frenetic mass, full of skin, in the same mosaic body struggling with the ancestral impulses anchored deep in the flesh. Pulses and impulses combined and clashed within the rite and rhythm. »
David Vall
Flesh and marble
David Vall
Flesh and marble
« The boy nodded silently and the girl at the piano began to play, while weightless, like a susurrement in the hollow of the ear, infinitely light, but also marked by intense and underlying pain. The calm and perfectly timed singing of the right hand was accentuated by the use of the third finger, the most powerful on the piano. Cillian let himself be lulled by this wordless poetry that left him coi himself. The first slow and dark episode of the piece gave way to an even slower new element dotted with cut-out and arpeggiated chords that brought as hope. But little by little, the agitation gained the fingers of the performer as the volume of sound grew on haunting figures of triplets and double octaves that gradually accelerated as they climbed on the keyboard, until it released like a poppy bursting, a last passionate passage. With excitement and despair, the final theme now stood out with a bass with increasingly romantic and tormented contours. Cillian held his breath until the finale, which resonated in his chest like a long complaint. He did not dare to catch his breath until the girl's hands left the keyboard to nest in her lap. "It's such sad music," said the boy....." »
David Vall
Flesh and marble
David Vall
Flesh and marble
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