« What characterizes the philosopher and distinguishes it from the vulgar, it's that he admits nothing without evidence, that he acquiesces point to misleading notions and he asks exactly the limits of the certain, the probable and the dubious. »
Denis Diderot
Lettre à Sophie Volland - 26 Septembre 1762 |
Denis Diderot
Lettre à Sophie Volland - 26 Septembre 1762
« The purpose of an encyclopedia is to collect knowledge scattered on the surface of the Earth; to expose the general system to the men with whom we live, and to transmit to men who will come after us. »
Denis Diderot
L’Encyclopédie |
Denis Diderot
« Jump to extremes, that is the rule of the poet. Keep all a happy medium, that's happiness. »
Denis Diderot
(Source unknown) |
Denis Diderot
(Source unknown)