Quotations from Didier Raoult in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Didier Raoult, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« In fact, human beings abhor instability. This translates into the fantasy of ownership. In reality, man can never own anything since he is a mere tenant. Property is an illusion because it only lasts a limited time. If you buy land and leave it to your children, it will stay in the family (at best) for maybe two or three generations but will eventually be resold. Buying an apartment is another form of renting as it involves the repayment of a credit and property taxes. Man seeks forms of stability, while the world around him keeps changing. It would be better to adapt to survive in an environment in permanent transformation (this is the theory of the Red Queen). »
Didier Raoult
Let's stop being afraid!
Didier Raoult
Let's stop being afraid!
« Moreover, most of the genes on earth are viral. Viruses are the source of most of the genetic information and therefore of life. »
Didier Raoult
Let's stop being afraid!
Didier Raoult
Let's stop being afraid!
« A chief rabbi in Jerusalem confirmed to me that he did not think it was possible for ten people to agree on any subject. In the rabbinical court, if there is a unanimous vote, the vote must be redone because it is considered that there has been cheating or that the question has not been well understood, that unanimity is simply not possible in Man. Science has been built with controversy. This does not mean that all the decisions taken by majority were the right ones, but it avoids a "totalitarian" attitude, which aims to impose a single thought. Thus, sometimes, the original idea was crushed because it was against the majority idea. This is what happened with The Theory of Lamarck Killed by Cuvier. Today however its theory has been rehabilitated. »
Didier Raoult
Let's stop being afraid!
Didier Raoult
Let's stop being afraid!
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