Quotations from Didier Raoult in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Didier Raoult, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« In October 2015, a sensational news made headlines. An American baby was born with the DNA of his uncle... that never existed. Explanation. In 2014, a couple gave birth to a baby boy and discovered that he was of the AB blood type. Impossible since both his parents are from Group A. A DNA test confirms that the newborn is not his father's son. The hypothesis of adultery is ruled out because the couple resorted to artificial insemination. The parents turn to the clinic that performed this insemination but the doctors are formal: there was no error in the s e l e c tion of sperm samples. The problem is then submitted to geneticists at Stanford University who screen the child's genome. The result, surprising, suggests that the baby is the son of his uncle. Only problem: the child's father never had a brother! The only possible explanation for the researchers is that the baby's father is a human chimera. The most likely hypothesis is that this man had a twin brother in his mother's womb, which he absorbed while they were still young embryos. In doing so, he integrated his genes that ended up in some of his cells and in some of his sperm. One of them gave birth to the child. »
Didier Raoult
Let's stop being afraid!
Didier Raoult
Let's stop being afraid!
« A mother's love for her son is often referred to as fusion. We didn't think we'd say it so well! Women are actually fantasies of their children. The first observations date back to the identification of male cells in women who had had male children. It is now known that cells, especially stem cells, can pass, via the blood, from the fetus to the mother and vice versa. Female cells have been observed in men that come from their mothers. Twins can also infuse each other with stem cells when they are in their mother's womb. Again, if they are twins of opposite sex, girls end up with male cells and vice versa. However, the genius of these stem cells, still little differentiated, is to be able to take the form of their neighbors. If, for example, they arrive in the brain next to a neuron, they in turn specialize in neurons. Researchers use them in Parkinson's disease to regenerate damaged parts of the brain. If you have a heart attack, injecting these stem cells can restore the damaged area of your heart. They are hand-made cells that make scientists dream and fantasize about the proponents of eternal youth. In other words, pregnant women receive an infusion of stem cells, considered a fountain of youth! This is perhaps one of the causes of women's highest life expectancy compared to men. In particular, one study showed that women who had more than six children had a higher life expectancy than women without children. In women, these stem cells were found mostly in the breast (where they turned into breast cells) and in the brain (where they specialized in neurons). This regeneration may explain why women who have had children are less likely to develop breast cancer than others. »
Didier Raoult
Let's stop being afraid!
Didier Raoult
Let's stop being afraid!
« Have been completely destroyed, can be reformed by stem cells, which retain the memory of the experiments of the original worm. Stem cells memorize past learning, such as knowledge of food choices and recognition of dangerous microbes. Eric Ghigo showed that the immune response to staphylococci had entered the memory of stem cells. Resistance to these bacteria was transmitted to each fragment of the severed worm and thus to its clones. We didn't think this information was communicable. This phenomenon is close to the acquisition of knowledge with vertical transfer to the offspring described by the great French naturalist of the early nineteenth century Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck. A new protein, called MORN and associated with resistance to microbes, was then identified in this invertebrate. However, the gene encoding this protein also exists in humans. Work on this worm has therefore led to the finding of a new gene associated with immune protection in humans. It belongs to an unknown system. This discovery has an origin similar to that of the innate immunity mechanism owed to the French Nobel laureate Jules Hoffman. Thanks to planars, serious avenues open up to the regeneration of our tissues and cells and the maintenance of our functions despite aging and on a mythical field of research: that of immortality. »
Didier Raoult
Let's stop being afraid!
Didier Raoult
Let's stop being afraid!
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