Quotations from Donald W. Winnicott in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Donald W. Winnicott, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« If the role of the mother is not really recognized, a vague fear of addiction can only persist. This fear can sometimes take the form of a woman's fear or a woman's fear; at other times, it will take less easily recognized forms, always including the fear of being dominated. Unfortunately, the fear of being dominated does not lead people to avoid being dominated. It attracts them, on the contrary, towards a specific or chosen domination. In fact, if one were to study the dictator's psychology, one might expect to discover that, among other things, he tries, in his personal struggle, to control the woman whose domination he unconsciously fears, trying to control it by surrounding it, acting for it and demanding in return a total subjection and total "love". »
Donald W. Winnicott
The child and his family
Donald W. Winnicott
The child and his family
« Even mothers have to learn from experience how to be maternal and I think it's much better if they see it that way. Experience makes them mature. If they see things from the other end and think they have to work hard in books to know how to be a perfect mother from the beginning, they will be on the wrong path. In the long run, what we need is mothers, and fathers, who have discovered how to believe in themselves. These mothers and their husbands found the best homes in which babies can grow and develop. »
Donald W. Winnicott
The child and his family
Donald W. Winnicott
The child and his family
« I have a friend who does marriage counseling. She has not had a lot of training except as a teacher, but she has a temperament that allows her to accept ... the problem as presented to her. It does not need to investigate whether the facts are true or if the problem is presented to it only from one point of view; she simply takes what comes, and endures the whole thing. Then the client returns home or home feeling a little different, and often even finding a solution to a problem that seemed hopeless to him. She does a better job than many people who have received special training. She almost never gives advice, because she would not know what advice to give and because she is not the type of person to give it. In other words, people who are outside their area of expertise can be perfectly effective if they are able to stop giving advice immediately. »
Donald W. Winnicott
The family good enough
Donald W. Winnicott
The family good enough
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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