« No one hits themselves as hard as I do, and about everything. Because anything is an excuse to torment. And I can't help it. »
Emil Michel Cioran
Books 1957-1972 |
Emil Michel Cioran
Books 1957-1972
« Gare du Nord. A clock indicates the minutes: 4:43 p.m. - That minute I thought she would never return, that she had disappeared forever, that she had sunk into the anonymous mass of the irrevocable. That the theory of eternal return seems futile and unfounded to me. Everything disappears forever. I'll never see this moment again. Everything is unique and unimportant. »
Emil Michel Cioran
Cioran's notebooks |
Emil Michel Cioran
Cioran's notebooks
« The prayer of the sad man never has the strength to ascend to God. As one prays only in the abatement, one will deduce that no prayer has ever reached its destination. »
Emil Michel Cioran
(Source unknown) |
Emil Michel Cioran
(Source unknown)