Quotations from Erich Fromm in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Erich Fromm, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« Our entire culture is based on an appetite for buying, on the idea of a mutually beneficial exchange. (...) "Attractive" usually means a nice package of qualities that enjoy popularity and are sought after in the personality market. (...) Thus two people fall in love when they feel they have discovered the best object available on the market, given the limitations of their own exchange value. »
Erich Fromm
The art of loving
Erich Fromm
The art of loving
« If human aggression were more or less at the same level as that of other mammals - and in particular our closest relative, the chimpanzee - human society would be rather peaceful and non-violent. But that is not the case. Human history is imbued with extraordinary destructiveness and cruelty, and man's aggressiveness, it seems, far surpasses that of his animal ancestors; man is, unlike most animals, a true "killer". »
Erich Fromm
The Passion to Destroy: Anatomy of Human Destructiveness
Erich Fromm
The Passion to Destroy: Anatomy of Human Destructiveness
« My thesis, as the following chapters will demonstrate, is that destructiveness and cruelty are not instinctive impulses, but passions rooted in the total existence of man. They are a way of giving meaning to life; they are not and cannot be present in animals, because they are, by their very nature, rooted in the "human condition". »
Erich Fromm
The Passion to Destroy: Anatomy of Human Destructiveness
Erich Fromm
The Passion to Destroy: Anatomy of Human Destructiveness
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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