« The passion to have can only lead to a perpetual class struggle. »
Erich Fromm
Have or be |
Erich Fromm
Have or be
« ... If it's important to keep out trivial conversations, it's just as important to avoid bad dating. By bad dating I do not refer only to people who are vicious, destructive, and whose contact is to be avoided because it is toxic, depressing. I also hear automatons, people whose minds are dead even though their bodies are alive; those whose thoughts and conversation are trivial, who yawn instead of talk and who advance preconcealsed opinions instead of thinking. However, it is not always possible, or even necessary, to avoid their attendance. If we do not react according to their expectation - that is, by clichés and common places - but in direct and human terms, we often find that they change their attitude, surprised by the shock of the unexpected. »
Erich Fromm
The art of loving |
Erich Fromm
The art of loving
« It is much easier for members of a small tribe to judge the behaviour of the authority holder than for the millions of individuals in our system, who know their candidates only through the artificial image created by public relations specialists. »
Erich Fromm
Have or be |
Erich Fromm
Have or be