« Once I have discovered the stranger in me, I can no longer hate the stranger out of me, because it has ceased, for me, to be »
Erich Fromm
You'll be like gods |
Erich Fromm
You'll be like gods
« Love is not transmitted through words or explanations. It is expressed by gestures rather than ideas, by a tone of voice rather than by words. »
Erich Fromm
The heart of man |
Erich Fromm
The heart of man
« A Hasidic story can illustrate this point. The disciple of a Hasidic master was asked, "Why are you going to listen to the master? Is it to hear his words of wisdom? He said, "Oh no! I'll see how he knots the laces on his shoes. What counts in a person are not the ideas and opinions accepted since childhood, or accepted as conventional structures of thought, but his character, his attitudes, and the visceral root of his ideas and convictions. To enable great dialogue, concern for life and shared experience are more important than common concepts. »
Erich Fromm
Hope and revolution, towards the humanization of technology |
Erich Fromm
Hope and revolution, towards the humanization of technology