Quotations from Erich Fromm in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Erich Fromm, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« Zen declares that Tao is our "daily spirit". Zen obviously refers to the unconscious, always at work in our conscious. »
Erich Fromm
Zen Buddhism and psychoanalysis
Erich Fromm
Zen Buddhism and psychoanalysis
« Refoulement, in addition to its distorting role, plays another role "which consists in rendering an unreal experience by "brainization". I mean, I think I see it, but you only see words. I think I'm feeling, but I'm just thinking about the feeling. The cerebral individual is an alienated individual, the individual of Plato's cave. He sees only shadows and takes them for the present reality. The process of cerebralization is linked to the ambiguity of language. No sooner have I expressed anything in a word than alienation occurs. The fullness of the experience was immediately replaced by the word. In reality, experience exists in its fullness only until it is expressed through language. »
Erich Fromm
Zen Buddhism and psychoanalysis
Erich Fromm
Zen Buddhism and psychoanalysis
« Well-being is the state of one who has arrived at the full development of his reason. Reason, here, is not taken in the sense of mere intellectual judgment, but in that of apprehended reality by "letting things be" (in Heidegger's words) what they are. Well-being is only accessible to the extent that personal narcissism has been overcome, to the extent that one becomes open, cooperative, sensitive, awake, empty (in the Zen sense of the word). Well-being means being fully, emotionally connected to man and nature. »
Erich Fromm
Zen Buddhism and psychoanalysis
Erich Fromm
Zen Buddhism and psychoanalysis
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