Quotations from Erich Fromm in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Erich Fromm, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« Dying is a poignant bitterness. But the thought of having to die without living is unbearable. »
Erich Fromm
(Source unknown)
Erich Fromm
(Source unknown)
« Love is about taking care of the other, worrying about them, respecting them and constantly trying to get to know them better. »
Erich Fromm
(Source unknown)
Erich Fromm
(Source unknown)
« In contemporary capitalist society, the meaning of equality has changed. Equality refers to an equality of automatons; men who have lost their individuality. Today, equality means "similarity" rather than "singularity." It is a similarity of abstractions, of men who perform the same works, who engage in the same leisure, who read the same newspapers, who feed the same feelings and the same ideas. ... ... The proposition of the philosophy of the enlightenment, "the soul has no sex", has become of a general practice. The polarity of the sexes is disappearing, and with it erotic love, which is based on this polarity. Men and women become the same, not equals as opposite poles. Contemporary society preaches this ideal of non-individualized equality because it needs human atoms, all similar, to make them work in a vast aggregate, gently, without friction; all obeying the same orders, but each being nevertheless convinced that he follows his own desires. Just as modern mass production requires the standardization of products, so the social process requires the standardization of man, and this standardization is called "equality". »
Erich Fromm
The art of loving
Erich Fromm
The art of loving
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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