Quotations from Françoise Dolto in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Françoise Dolto, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« This is important for very young readers. If the character to whom he has identified himself dies or knows the eternal torment, the child who must continue to live, may be tempted to abandon the struggle. The happy-end is necessary to encourage effort, combativeness. I think that the happy ending of fairy tales gives the child the image of trials that, of course, are far from his reality, but which allow him momentarily to identify with heroes who are going through difficult passes and who will still be able to overcome obstacles. »
Françoise Dolto
The cause of children
Françoise Dolto
The cause of children
« The house allegorically represents the safety of the child, both in his body and in the possibilities of this body's relationship with the world, in the broadest sense of the word. »
Françoise Dolto
School failure
Françoise Dolto
School failure
« DON'T the fact that being a father or mother gives a voice to the citizen who is responsible for future adults. It is quite inhumane to think that those who have given birth have only one voice, like the old man, like the bachelor for life, while they represent the rising humanity. I propose among other things: In a family of four children (two boys and two girls), the father should have three voices, and the mother three votes, the voice of the daughters to the mother, the voice of the boys to the father, until they are 12 years old. And then at 12, the kids would vote. We'd let them become responsible for their own voice. This would be advisory between the age of 12 and 18 (since the majority is, alas, only at 18 years of age). But at least, in front of the adult executive vote, we would have the advisory vote of 12 to 18-year-olds, which would give an image of the country in the making, and above all give the means to the elected representatives, to do something for the future of the country. While we never talk about the current country and the country's past. We do things for the old people, we do things for adults. But for the kids, almost nothing. Even at school, they are given what they don't ask for since half of them don't attend school... which proves that they are given something that does not suit them and that it came from the lack of care of the rising population in the so-called universal election. It is not universal at all since children have no voice through their parents, and then to express for themselves. She is stupid or perverse this democracy that does not want to count with children. I tried to tell a member of Parliament, who was family-friendly, that I thought we should do everything we could to support young people to take an interest in their present and future. No to political politics but yes to the politics of life that rises in a country. He said, "But it's totally unthinkable, it would completely change the electoral map." - "So much better! Parents who have children who are the future of the country would have as many voices as children, instead of giving as many voices to people who only defend their personal existential security and not the future." »
Françoise Dolto
The cause of children
Françoise Dolto
The cause of children
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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