Quotations from Françoise Dolto in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Françoise Dolto, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« There is nothing educational about what is called "national education." It is only an instructive one. Moreover, under the 3rd Republic, it was more modestly called "public instruction"! We wanted to replace the state with the Family by proclaiming: "Let's do national education." This education is appalling. If there is education, it is education to the power of the fittest. Which is anti-education. »
Françoise Dolto
The Cause of Adolescents
Françoise Dolto
The Cause of Adolescents
« I continue to be questioned all the time by everything and especially by children, their behavior which is always linguistic and that we must decode to understand what they want to tell us and at the same time by their real questions when in words they ask us that are always surprising and to which we have done too quickly when we answer "You're stupid, that's the way it is!" Of course not... Adults, we take things as if they were self-evident, but it's not self-evident at all. »
Françoise Dolto
Françoise Dolto
« The text of this parable `of the Good Samaritan` did not seem to me at all in accordance with the so-called Christian morality that had been drawn from it but indicative of an unconscious dynamic of solidarity between humans who misunderstve each other, ignore each other, as an internal cohesive dynamic revealed to each of us. It seemed to me that this lesson revealed to us an almost sacred articulation between love and freedom in terms of the relationship between individuals, and between the feeling of freedom and the feeling of loving for each of us in our psychic structure of desiring subject. »
Françoise Dolto
The Gospel at risk of psychoanalysis, Volume 1
Françoise Dolto
The Gospel at risk of psychoanalysis, Volume 1
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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