Quotations from Françoise Dolto in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Françoise Dolto, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« Unlike successful heroes, there are losers who may discourage the next generation. »
Françoise Dolto
The cause of children
Françoise Dolto
The cause of children
« In the experience I had, during the visits of young girls in disarray, these were always the results of sexual relations that had no meaning for them, at a time when they had been caught up in the mockery of their comrades and boys at their reluctance to give themselves, when they had no desire or love. Finally, they let themselves be made not to look stupid, and also because young girls run the fear of being frigid. However, of course, they put themselves in the conditions of becoming so, if they give themselves without any meaning, neither ethical nor aesthetic, nor symbolic, for them at the moment they give themselves. »
Françoise Dolto
Female sexuality - libido - eroticism - frigidity
Françoise Dolto
Female sexuality - libido - eroticism - frigidity
« What adults need to remember is that sex for the child does not yet exist; these are voluptuous erotic regions and, which is specifically erotic going unnoticed to both the child and the adults, these are emotions felt in the vulva for the girl, and the vagina perhaps, and for the boy of erectile emotions of his penis. The phallic phase is therefore urethral. On the little boy's penis, the first time she sees him, every girl wants to rush and say, "That's mine, give it to me, I want it." It also causes hilarity in the boy, and a spite in the girl, to see that the boy does not feel offended. Immediately, it's the mother's return: "Why don't I have that like him?" This is where the mother's word can turn the daughter's aesthetic and ethical sense through righteous words that identify her body with her own. And, in the corollary, the boy's body to the father's body. »
Françoise Dolto
Female sexuality - libido - eroticism - frigidity
Françoise Dolto
Female sexuality - libido - eroticism - frigidity
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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