« The pains, the joys, are inscribed in a strange way in our memory. We think we have overtaken them, we imagine that they do not tear us apart as in the beginning, but it only takes a smell, a song to plunge back into it. »
Frédéric Lenoir
(Source unknown) |
Frédéric Lenoir
(Source unknown)
« A simple fisherman rests in the shade of a palm tree. He relishes the joy of being. A rich man crosses him and encourages him to work more. "What does the fisherman say for? - To earn money. - What's the point? - To live in a beautiful house. - And then after? - Have a big family - What next? - Expand your business with your children. - And then? - After that, you will be happy and quiet to rest. "That's what I'm already doing." »
Frédéric Lenoir
The soul of the world |
Frédéric Lenoir
The soul of the world
« How do we know we love? By the palpitations of the heart. By this heat that burns our chest. By the shaking of the body. By our legs that suddenly seem to stop wanting to carry us, or on the contrary want to propel us to the limits of the world. By the purple that lights up our cheeks and the light that illuminates our eyes. »
Frédéric Lenoir
Nina |
Frédéric Lenoir