« To no longer desire anything is to extinguish the flame of life. It's destroying all vital power. It's dehumanizing. »
Frédéric Lenoir
The Spinoza Miracle: A Philosophy to Enlighten Our Lives |
Frédéric Lenoir
The Spinoza Miracle: A Philosophy to Enlighten Our Lives
« Humanity towards inferior animals is one of the noblest virtues of which man is endowed, and this is the last stage of the development of moral feelings. It is only when we care about all sentient beings that our morality reaches its highest level. (DARWIN) »
Frédéric Lenoir
Wisdom explained to those who seek it |
Frédéric Lenoir
Wisdom explained to those who seek it
« She fully understands what the young man is feeling. After a silence, she replies in a very soft, almost trembling voice: - I know how you feel, Hugo. I didn't always like life, nor did I think it made sense. When I was seventeen, I went through the worst trials of my life and I didn't want to live at all. All I wanted to do was not to feel anything, to feel, to think. The existence seemed cruel and absurd to me. I finally survived and it was there, after this tragedy, that I began to live fully and discovered that life is full of meaning, magic, poetry, despite all the obstacles and difficulties that we encounter and which sometimes crush us. »
Frédéric Lenoir
The consolation of the angel |
Frédéric Lenoir
The consolation of the angel