Quotations from Frédéric Lenoir in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Frédéric Lenoir, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« The hope of a return to strong growth is quite illusory. We are already living far beyond our means and those of our planet. It is more likely that we are moving towards a certain decline, which no politician dares to say, or perhaps even conceive. »
Frédéric Lenoir
Healing the world
Frédéric Lenoir
Healing the world
« Philosophy teaches us to think well to try to live better. But in this area, it is not just about thought: it also has a practical side and can, in the manner of the Ancients, be embodied in psychospiritual exercises. The university trained specialists when ancient philosophy intended to train men. As Pierre Hadot has shown throughout his work, "true philosophy is therefore, in antiquity, spiritual exercise." Most of the works of Greek and Roman philosophers "emanate from a philosophical school, in the most concrete sense of the word, in which a master trains disciples and strives to lead them to transformation and self-realization." »
Frédéric Lenoir
Happiness: A Philosophical Journey
Frédéric Lenoir
Happiness: A Philosophical Journey
« The joy is there and we must learn to see it, to welcome it, to let it emerge. It is joy that leads to renunciation, not the other way around. »
Frédéric Lenoir
Small treatise on inner life
Frédéric Lenoir
Small treatise on inner life
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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