Quotations from Frédéric Lenoir in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Frédéric Lenoir, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« A mother preaches to her son: "Listen, if you are wise, you will go to heaven, and if you are not wise, you will go to hell." The boy thinks for a few seconds, "And what do I have to do to go to the circus?" 129 »
Frédéric Lenoir
The soul of the world
Frédéric Lenoir
The soul of the world
« The Duke of Normandy Richard I, a well-known Richard without fear, soon conceived suspicions about the loyalty of these Breton canons, (...) That is why, in 966, with the pope's assent, Richard violently drove out the canons of Mount and entrusted the sacred place to twelve Benedictine monks from Norman abbeys... And so began the golden legend of Mont-Saint-Michel, shaped for centuries by the Benedictines, who never ceased to increase the fame of this place, building this immense abbey, the richest in the region, a place of worship and pilgrimage major in all Western Christianity! »
Frédéric Lenoir
The Angel's Promise
Frédéric Lenoir
The Angel's Promise
« "You will never be happy as long as you are tortured by a happier." Seneca ranked money among the so-called "preferable" things. Like Aristotle, he thought it better to have sufficient property than to be deprived of them. But, like most philosophers of antiquity, he also considered that too much goods were not only not necessary for happiness, but could also harm him... »
Frédéric Lenoir
Happiness: A Philosophical Journey
Frédéric Lenoir
Happiness: A Philosophical Journey
Or let yourself be tempted by the...
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