« The idea of getting Russia to back, for example! To say that Putin is a dictator »
Gérard Depardieu
Sud Ouest, 13 août 2015 |
Gérard Depardieu
Sud Ouest, 13 août 2015
« The United States, it is a people who have constantly destroys the other. »
Gérard Depardieu
Le Figaro.fr, 8 octobre 2015 |
Gérard Depardieu
Le Figaro.fr, 8 octobre 2015
« There has never been for me no cultural barrier, no language barrier, no color barrier. These are the conviction, culture, life, the intelligence of the other who constantly give me hope. »
Gérard Depardieu
Innocent, Le Cherche-Midi |
Gérard Depardieu
Innocent, Le Cherche-Midi