Quotations from Gilles Dhonneur in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Gilles Dhonneur, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« Seismotherapy for an Irresponsible. To you who do not respect the containment, I propose 40 good reasons to change your attitude: 20 for yours and 20 for you. If you respect the containment, this letter is not addressed to you, but you can nevertheless pass it on to your acquaintances who do not respect it! Containment is all this for yours: 1) Containment is time for medical research to test new remedies for Covid19 and thus avoid a hecatomb. 2) Containment is a place in resuscitation and respirators available to assist your father who begins to suffocate and look for air. 3) Containment is the opportunity to offer a dignified death to your 65-year-old uncle whom we will condemn by not resuscitating him because he is obese, diabetic and takes meds for his blood pressure! 4) Containment is less pain for your big brother to whom I will put a tube in the windpipe to try to save him. 5) Containment is more comfort and comfort for your grandfather who is dying in a dying room, alone in a crowded and overwhelmed hosto. 6) Containment is tears saved in your family and circle of friends 7) Containment means hoping to accompany your parents, relatives and friends, one of your own, all of them, to his final resting place. 8) Containment is preserved muscles, those of your best friend become a walking skeleton that will come out of quadriplegic resuscitation so it has melted. 9) Containment is a little breath preserved for your little asthmatic sister who will squirm to look for air for 15 days, and who may not survive. 10) Containment is the flexibility in your mother's joints that will no longer be able to make you eat for 2 years as her joints will be painful or blocked by the 4 weeks of resuscitation she will do. 11) Containment means preventing you and your wife from smelling your mother-in-law who has shit on herself and is going to bathe in her liquid and corrosive stench when she sees her in resuscitation. 12) Containment is to prevent your uncle from having a long pipe in his penis to pee hard, burning, for the rest of his life. 13) Containment is to prevent a soft tube from being inserted into the windpipe of your little girlfriend's father to suck painfully every 4 hours, the miasmas left by Covid-19 who nibbles his lungs. 14) Containment is so that your best friend's father doesn't stay hooked by the trachea to a machine that inflates and deflates him non-stop for 1 month, only to end up dead, all blue. 15) Containment is pain-fighting products, available to make you endure the burning and pungent care you will receive in resuscitation. 16) Containment means leaving a specialist doctor to care for your big sister lying in a resuscitation bed and not a volunteer, the only volunteer, kind and courageous survivor, who does as he can and finishes it off with his "incompetence" by exploding her lungs. 17) Containment means preventing your nanny's husband from getting hooked in 2 months, 2 or 3 times a week, on a dialysis machine to replace his puffed kidneys with Covid-19, for the rest of these days. 18) Containment is so that you don't have the vision of your big brother in resuscitation, with a gaping hole in his throat equipped with a small tube that allows him to breathe, while he is puffy and yellow as a quince, with oozing pipes perforating his neck, chest and forearms. 19) Containment is optimal care for your younger brother who will survive in resuscitation but who will not even be able to run 20 m as his little lungs will have been irreparably ruined, burned by the oxygen that has become indispensable to his life. 20) Containment means fewer caregivers with Covid-19, to better care for the sick in your family circle. At this point in your reading, I dare imagine that you understood that I was a caregiver. Confinement is even more than that, it is more than preventing yours from suffering for months of agony and dying indignantly, because of your irresponsibility. Containment is also an opportunity for you: 1) Containment is an opportunity for your children to know and live with your parents. 2) Containment means learning to say thank you, even low, even in thoughts to those who clean the ass and sex of your parents in resuscitation for a pittance. 3) Containment is an opportunity to close your mouth and listen to the silence, so intense. You will see how good it is to discover the beauty of music: the classical, Leonard Cohen and Souad Massi. 4) Containment is to allow you to reflect on the existence of your God, to speak to him and ask him some questions from me. Ask him, since he is so great, so good, so merciful, why is a gathering to his honour the main cause of the tragedy we are experiencing in France? 5) Containment is to have a chance to see your grandparents alive, so dear to your little ones. 6) Containment is more likely for your mother to hug you next year. 7) Containment is a chance to see your sister get married and a little man calls you Uncle! 8) Containment is learning to make a journey, but only in your head, you will see that with a little exercise it is possible, you will fly! 9) Containment is an opportunity to talk to the trees and rub their bark, to hug them to feel small and alive, on Earth, now. 10) Containment is a chance for you to mentally learn to re-smell the scent of your first girlfriend, the smell of the delicious dishes your mother made, today in resuscitation, the smell of jasmine in the month of May in the port of Solenzara, the subtle taste of mint tea served early at café des Délices in Sidi-BouSaïd. With a little insight and training you will know how to do this, and it's good! 11) Containment is not just "imagining" this summer, but getting there. 12) Containment is your chance to observe nature that is born in spring 2020 and have the desire to re-live this re-birth in 2021. 13) Containment is an opportunity to love, to re-love, better. 14) Containment is an opportunity to have a baby. 15) Containment is fear for one's own, and to think that you will not put them in danger, at least. 16) Containment means thinking about your own death, remembering your dear departed and remembering their presence at your side, and giving them a place with us. 17) Containment is cheap and easy. At the very least, you caulk, stay home and applaud caregivers at 8 p.m., even if there's no soul that lives 500 m around. 18) Containment is the right time to learn the meaning of important words such as: solidarity, benevolence, empathy, humility and humanity; they will be useful to you for the rest of your new life! 19) Containment is an opportunity to understand this invisible bond carefully woven by mothers, our grandmothers, to form a kind of solid shield reassuring all around us all, which protects and sometimes suffocates us. I'm talking about the family cocoon! » 20) Containment is the hope of de-containment, it is to limit the risk of re-confinement and it is above all the hope for you and yours to be present at the dawn of a new era for humanity. »
Gilles Dhonneur
Head of resuscitation at the Institut Curie in Paris
Gilles Dhonneur
Head of resuscitation at the Institut Curie in Paris
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