« With all the crazies who govern us and pollute the atmosphere with lots of radioactive fallout, no one has time to check the accuracy of a quote made by anyone about anything. »
Groucho Marx
Mémoires d’un amant lamentable |
Groucho Marx
Mémoires d’un amant lamentable
« -I love you. - is that what you would think if I was poor? - Yes, but I will not tell you! »
Groucho Marx
L’Explorateur en folie |
Groucho Marx
L’Explorateur en folie
« No woman in the world is able to resist a proposal of marriage, was it the worst you idiot. »
Groucho Marx
Mémoires d’un amant lamentable |
Groucho Marx
Mémoires d’un amant lamentable