« Existence is played out from moment to moment. We can make our lives a deplorable waste by refusing to listen to our internal squeals or, on the contrary, turn it into a work of art. The choice is in our hands. »
Guy Corneau
Best of you: Meet him, feed him, express him |
Guy Corneau
Best of you: Meet him, feed him, express him
« When this anger is fully recognized and integrated, it becomes a power that generates initiatives and decisions. Then life becomes much more pleasant, more intense, brighter and more joyful. »
Guy Corneau
Isn't there happy love? How father-daughter and mother-son bonds shape our loves |
Guy Corneau
Isn't there happy love? How father-daughter and mother-son bonds shape our loves
« ... in therapeutic practice, we keep noticing that, according to Freud's formula, the past that is not conscious is repeated, or that, according to Jung's formula, what remains unconscious happens to us from the outside as a destiny that seems foreign to us when it simply reflects our inner living condition. »
Guy Corneau
Isn't there happy love? How father-daughter and mother-son bonds shape our loves |
Guy Corneau
Isn't there happy love? How father-daughter and mother-son bonds shape our loves