« Despite our moral, religious resistance, or simply our own sexual orientation, it is more psychologically realistic to view gender identity as something flexible. It is, in a way, a construction where impulse elements, psychological elements, even political and ideological aspects are mixed. »
Guy Corneau
Isn't there happy love? How father-daughter and mother-son bonds shape our loves |
Guy Corneau
Isn't there happy love? How father-daughter and mother-son bonds shape our loves
« The real job on anger is to meet the needs it reveals to us. When the rage continues to be expressed through blame and reproach of all kinds against the executioners of the past, it is because it has not been psychologically integrated. It has not been transformed. It's become a prison. To solve the internal problem, we must go further. »
Guy Corneau
Isn't there happy love? How father-daughter and mother-son bonds shape our loves |
Guy Corneau
Isn't there happy love? How father-daughter and mother-son bonds shape our loves
« This leads me to make it clear that it is very important not to confuse well-being with happiness. Well-being is the result of meeting needs. However, the question can be asked: is it really a satisfaction or rather a lack of dissatisfaction? For example: you meet a man or woman who turns out to be a real sex bomb. All your needs for sensuality are met and you think you have reached the seventh heaven. How long do you think such a paradise will satisfy you without getting tired? You just bought the car of your dreams... How long will the honeymoon last? In fact, the satisfaction of needs does not lead to happiness, but rather a well-being that should be questioned: are you true happiness or temporary distance from misfortune? If we focus too much on our transient well-being, they risk keeping us prisoners of our characters and preventing the satisfaction of the great impulses that bring happiness. This is a point that appears in the letter mentioned above. Its author tells us clearly that, when she is in a process of creativity, she no longer sees time passing, that she feels fulfilled. It does not suffer from its usual emptiness. It is nourished by creative vibration. Great impulses promote happiness because they carry representations that give meaning and that allow to tolerate anxiety, difficulties and even the non-satisfaction of certain needs. Even the frustration of basic needs such as food or lodging can be transcended, many have sacrificed the immediate satisfaction of their needs to be part of the pursuit of the sublime. Whether they are artists, pacifists or mystics, the quest for the ideal often allows us to achieve happiness where the satisfaction of needs cannot. Better yet, the pursuit of this ideal allows the experience of very intense joys that transform the being in defiance of the satisfaction of certain needs, and even in the deprivation of certain satisfactions, The example of Bernard Voyer talking about Everest comes to mind again. What hardships endured and frustrations felt for just a few minutes of joy on the roof of the world! Yet this joy is the mark of a triumph, not only on a mountain, but on the tyranny of personal needs. Other examples include Mother Teresa in India, Father Peter in France, or Nelson Mandela in South Africa »
Guy Corneau
Victim of others, executioner of oneself |
Guy Corneau
Victim of others, executioner of oneself