« Even if you despair of everything, you might as well do it on the terrace in Paris. »
Hervé Le Tellier
The anomaly |
Hervé Le Tellier
The anomaly
« What would the barricades of June 1832 be without Gavroche, what would Carthage be without Salammbô, and the whole story without the power of fiction? »
Hervé Le Tellier
Encyclopdia unutilis |
Hervé Le Tellier
Encyclopdia unutilis
« 19- I find the phrase "French from abroad" somewhat strange. 20- How long does a "French abroad" have to spend abroad to become a foreigner from a French person? 21- Is this time shorter than it takes a "foreigner from France" to become French? »
Hervé Le Tellier
Enough about love |
Hervé Le Tellier
Enough about love