« Stratospheric domes are capped at sixteen kilometres in height. He might try to slip between two columns, but that would be to rush into the one that follows. The weather radar now displays a long slanted red bar: a wall of water and ice. (page 51) »
Hervé Le Tellier
The anomaly |
Hervé Le Tellier
The anomaly
« He wrote to her, knowing that it is useless, and above all, let's say, counterproductive. But when the remote control batteries are dead, we always press harder. It's human. »
Hervé Le Tellier
The anomaly |
Hervé Le Tellier
The anomaly
« How can he be so intelligent and so fragile at the same time? But love is not being able to prevent the heart from trampling intelligence. (page 34) »
Hervé Le Tellier
The anomaly |
Hervé Le Tellier
The anomaly