Quotations from Jean-Clément Martin in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Jean-Clément Martin, updated on Thursday, March 6, 2025.
« "Everything that happens" is therefore not "event": it is necessary to suddenly and break in the course of time, search for meaning to account for the importance of what has happened in a particular context, and creation of a new system of references. Fabrice at Waterloo can be invoked once again. Struck by the countless facts he records without understanding them. »
Jean-Clément Martin
The Vendée and the Revolution
Jean-Clément Martin
The Vendée and the Revolution
« The American insurrection creates a current of thought embodied by the patriots who see this event as a dawn of humanity. Among the English radicals inspired by it, Thomas Paine, later a member of the convention in France, concluded as early as 1776 that it was the times that felt the souls of men. In the following years, the United States became the home of some of these patriots hostile to the English monarchy and supporters of the French revolution, at least until 1792, and then French people eager to escape the guillotine. »
Jean-Clément Martin
New history of the French Revolution
Jean-Clément Martin
New history of the French Revolution
« Subsequently, the defeats of the uprisings of 1799, 1815, especially in 1832, made the Vendée region an atypical area populated by rural counter-revolutionaries pursuing their wars against the modern state. P. 172. »
Jean-Clément Martin
The Vendée and the Revolution
Jean-Clément Martin
The Vendée and the Revolution
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