Quotations from Jill Bolte Taylor in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Jill Bolte Taylor, updated on Wednesday, January 22, 2025.
« The following year, the eighth after my trauma, my perception of my body changed: I no longer felt fluid but strong. I started water skiing: asking my organization for an effort to the limit of its abilities allowed me to consolidate the grip of my mind on my body. I must confess that, despite my joy at feeling strong again, I miss not seeing myself as a fluid and not constantly reminding myself that we are one with the rest of the universe. »
Jill Bolte Taylor
Journey beyond my brain
Jill Bolte Taylor
Journey beyond my brain
« The limbic system colours the information that our senses transmit to us with a particular emotional state. As it also exists in other less evolved creatures, it is sometimes referred to as the "reptilian brain" or "primitive brain." When we come into the world, the cells of our limbic system connect to each other in response to certain sensory stimuli. It is not insignificant to note that our limbic system then hardly evolves until the end of our days. That is why, even in adulthood, we still sometimes react to a particular situation like when we were two years old. »
Jill Bolte Taylor
Journey beyond my brain
Jill Bolte Taylor
Journey beyond my brain
« Our limbic system constantly dissects the information that our senses transmit to us. When our cerebral cortex receives a message for deep reflection, we have already associated a "feeling"; of pain or pleasure, for example. Although many of us like to think of ourselves as sentient thinking creatures, biologically, we are rather, and conversely, sensitive creatures capable of thinking. »
Jill Bolte Taylor
Journey beyond my brain
Jill Bolte Taylor
Journey beyond my brain
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