Quotations from Jill Bolte Taylor in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Jill Bolte Taylor, updated on Wednesday, January 22, 2025.
« While I welcome my brain's ability to experience a variety of emotions, I take care of the time it devotes to activating a particular neuron circuit. The healthiest way, to my knowledge, to overcome an emotion is to give in without restraint when it overwhelms us. When I am subjected to an automatic reaction, I resign myself to seeing the corresponding neural circuit activate for a minute and a half. It seems to me that it is easier to recover from one's emotions from the moment one listens to them and accepts them. The intensity and frequency of the most painful tends to decrease over time. Influential thoughts are perceived as such insofar as they involve a multitude of emotional and physiological programs. On the other hand, what we would call neutral ideas only use uned worked circuits. Keeping an eye on the neurons that are active by illuminating the wiring of our brains with a brighter day, allowing us to cultivate the garden of our mind more harmoniously. »
Jill Bolte Taylor
Journey beyond my brain
Jill Bolte Taylor
Journey beyond my brain
« I have unconditional love for my cells. At any time of the day, I sometimes cheer them on with warmth. They are the ones that make me able to transmit my energy to those around me. When my intestines empty, I thank them for ridding my body of its waste. When my urine drains, I admire the volume of fluid that the cells in my bladder manage to store. When I'm craving and have nothing to eat on hand, I remind my cells that I have fuel on my hips (in the form of lipids). When I feel threatened, I thank my cells for getting me to take my legs to my neck (or adopt a low profile until I can fight back). »
Jill Bolte Taylor
Journey beyond my brain
Jill Bolte Taylor
Journey beyond my brain
« Based on my experience, inner peace comes from a circuit of neurons in the right brain that, because they never quite rest, remain likely to take over others at all times. Our sense of tranquillity is anchored in the present moment. It does not come from a memory of the past or a projection into the future. To achieve inner peace, it seems imperative to allow ourselves to be absorbed by the here and now. »
Jill Bolte Taylor
Journey beyond my brain
Jill Bolte Taylor
Journey beyond my brain
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