Quotations from Jill Bolte Taylor in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Jill Bolte Taylor, updated on Wednesday, January 22, 2025.
« As biological creatures, we have an extraordinary hold on ourselves. Our neurons communicate with each other according to established circuits, which ultimately makes their activation quite predictable. The more we focus on a particular network of cells, that is, the more time we spend maintaining this or that thought, the more our nervous impulse will tend to follow the same path in the future. In a sense, our minds look like sophisticated research programs that focus almost exclusively on the purpose of their quest. If I enjoy seeing red around me, I'll soon spot it everywhere. Maybe not that much at first but, the more I focus on my desire for red, the more I will distinguish in my environment. »
Jill Bolte Taylor
Journey beyond my brain (Essays and Documents)
Jill Bolte Taylor
Journey beyond my brain (Essays and Documents)
« Each of my two hemispheres sees things from a different angle, awakens in me particular emotions and encourages me to behave in this or that way. My friends guess just at my posture or the crease that bars my forehead what half of my brain just took over the other. My right hemisphere only cares about the here and now. He frolicks with unbridled enthusiasm without worrying about anything. He smiles constantly and is very friendly. My left hemisphere focuses on the details by organizing my daily life according to a strict schedule. That's my most serious side. It is because of him that I clench my jaws and take into account my past experiences when I have to make a decision. He is also the one who sets limits on me and judges what is good or not, just or not. And, I forgot, he too is digging this famous crease across my forehead. »
Jill Bolte Taylor
Journey beyond my brain (Essays and Documents)
Jill Bolte Taylor
Journey beyond my brain (Essays and Documents)
« My right brain focuses on the fullness of the present moment. He enjoys what makes my life so rich. Eternally satisfied, he never renounces his optimism. He does not judge in terms of good or evil; everything exists from his point of view in a continuum; it's all relative. He takes things as they come and adapts to situations as they arise. It's cooler today than it was yesterday. I don't care! It's likely to rain this morning. What does it matter? He will notice that one person is greater or richer than another without inferring a value judgment. My right hemisphere considers us all to be equal members of the great human family. My right brain doesn't perceive differences in ethnicity or religion, or at least it doesn't stop there. »
Jill Bolte Taylor
Journey beyond my brain (Essays and Documents)
Jill Bolte Taylor
Journey beyond my brain (Essays and Documents)
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