Quotations from Jill Bolte Taylor in the English language
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Here are some well-known quotes from Jill Bolte Taylor, updated on Wednesday, January 22, 2025.
« Of course, silence can also be wonderful. I really like to dip my ears under the water of my bath, thus isolating myself from the outside noises. I then pay attention to the murmur of my body and praise my cells for their tireless efforts to keep me alive. The slightest excess of auditory stimuli tires me or it is my responsibility to preserve my brain from overheating. I often work or travel with earplugs that, more than once, have saved me from going crazy! »
Jill Bolte Taylor
Journey beyond my brain
Jill Bolte Taylor
Journey beyond my brain
« Take charge! I would define responsibility as the ability to decide at any time our reaction to the stimuli sent to us by our environment. Some programs in our limbic system (the origin of our emotions) are triggered by automatism by releasing chemicals that diffuse throughout our body but disappear in less than a minute and a half of our blood circulation. Let us take the example of anger: we sometimes get carried away as if by reflex in certain circumstances. Chemicals that disrupt our physiological balance then invade us for a minute and a half. They then dissipate and our automatic reaction no longer needs to be. In summary: my anger lasts more than a minute and a half when I let the corresponding neural circuit activate in a loop. Nevertheless, I remain free at all times to wait for my reaction to dissipate by focusing on the present moment rather than being caught up in the repetitive functioning of my neurons. »
Jill Bolte Taylor
Journey beyond my brain (Essays and Documents)
Jill Bolte Taylor
Journey beyond my brain (Essays and Documents)
« Another expedient to escape the rumination of our left hemisphere is to simply ask him to drive away the harmful thoughts that disturb us. The effectiveness of repetitive incantations such as mantras (a term that literally means "resting place of the mind") cannot be underestimated. All I have to do is breathe my lungs and repeat "I'm overflowing with joy" or "I want nothing more than what I have" or "I am one of the wonderful children of our mother earth" and immediately fall into the consciousness of my right hemisphere. »
Jill Bolte Taylor
Journey beyond my brain
Jill Bolte Taylor
Journey beyond my brain
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