« Technological advances are rapidly blurring the line between chemistry and biology, between matter and life. It must be understood that, at the nanoworld scale, there is no difference between a chemical molecule and a "living" molecule. The fusion of biology and nanotechnology will transform the physician into a life engineer and give him, decade after decade, an incredible power over our biological nature. »
Laurent Alexandre
The death of death |
Laurent Alexandre
The death of death
« The first man to live a thousand years may already have been born. »
Laurent Alexandre
The death of death |
Laurent Alexandre
The death of death
« Science had to eliminate the last pathology that still stood: the "mental illness" of bioconservatives and other bioluddite terrorists. The philosophical cancer of technophobes environmentalists, Islamists and other candlelight activists resisted cancer 2.0. The world was cut in half. The old ideological clash between communism and capitalism, which had determined the course of the 20th century, had given way to an otherwise more violent and devious conflict between transhumanists and ultra-violent technophobes. Winning this war was not an option but a necessity. The candidates for eternal life deserved a safe world, rid of scum 1.0. The good camp, of which Google and the U.S. government were the leaders, was working for this purpose by all means. »
Laurent Alexandre
The Man Who Knew Too Much |
Laurent Alexandre
The Man Who Knew Too Much