« The definitions of freedom and equality, law and justice will be upended. Our philosophical and moral benchmarks will tremble on their foundations: the exponential evolution of technological revolutions will not give us time to breathe. Paradigm shifts will be unrelenting, and in a few decades we will have to digest more radical changes than humanity in its entire history. »
Laurent Alexandre
The death of death |
Laurent Alexandre
The death of death
« There is no inevitability in terms of the future, but profound logics that can be reversed, under certain conditions. While it is not certain that an awareness of neurorevolution is sufficient to guide its course, there is no doubt that remaining in ignorance and denial is the best way to achieve the worst-case scenario. That of a world where Man would suffer his future. That of an unequal world where only the best would emerge victorious, leaving the multitude at the mercy of a neurodictature. »
Laurent Alexandre
The War of Intelligences |
Laurent Alexandre
The War of Intelligences
« Intelligence is the means by which humanity has been provided by Darwinian evolution to survive in a wild environment. Thanks to it, we now dominate the world and matter. This ancestral heritage, the fruit of millions of years of evolution and s e l e c tion, is our most valuable asset. The attention and energy that each generation devotes to its transmission is immense. In some social classes, it is even a permanent obsession that determines all life choices: place of residence, dating, marriage alliances, leisure. Education is the cornerstone of this work of transmission. While it consists largely of the acquisition of education, that is, knowledge useful to life in society, it has meaning only complemented by the ability to mobilize knowledge and associate it. This is called intelligence. »
Laurent Alexandre
The War of Intelligences |
Laurent Alexandre
The War of Intelligences