« It only takes one thing to change the opinion of people, who prefer to have that of others. Do you know that simply presenting a poll pushes one in four people to change their vote? Did you notice how every "controversial" law, immediately passed, was unanimous? (Ch. III THE TWO MINUTES OF HAINE p. 97) »
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother |
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother
« "Despite all the fine talk, the goal of most schools, including universities, is social conditioning rather than the development of the individual," noted biologist René Dubos. The National Education OBLIGATORY, the third bastion of the party after information and university, is an attempt to control thoughts, culture and more skilfully of morality. Thought by academics, taught by teachers, it has the amazing property of being sublimated by the students themselves. Their tacit "moral" examination is permanent, and they progress as much GRACE IN THE CONFORMISM as thanks to their objective knowledge. In France, all that is institutional can only be at the orders of the dominant morality. CNRS, National Education, and even the police hierarchy. Non-conformism is always ruled out. `...` Our Soviet-inspired universities are home to 95% of the Party's intellectuals, professional petitioners who lock up all the so-called "humanities" disciplines, the most politicized and high-profile. Those who write manuals and programmes, like journalists, rewrite the past, recreate man, control knowledge. Their only obsession is to dominate the academic world and maintain that position. To establish their legitimacy, they devote a great deal of time to obtaining recognized degrees, working in prestigious schools, only to give themselves a form of mandarin authority, which they can distribute themselves to their good students. THE DIPLOMA IS A PATENT OF CONFORMISM. The Party has managed to impose a broad coalition of graduates who have duly completed their endless courses, who give themselves only one mission: to maintain this endless course between them and others. The more it will cost to enter the club, the more prestigious the place will be, the more their status will depend on it, MORE THE REEL SERA We have ensured that no one can shake up our established order of boot lickers. (Ch. VI AT THE DRESSAGE SCHOOL p. 232- »
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother |
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother
« You are no longer afraid of running out of game, of being devoured, killed by the enemy, of losing your children and your vital resources. You are afraid of being humiliated at the coffee machine. »
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother |
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother