« ` ...` Plenel has quietly taken advantage of a buoyant context to become one of those bourgeois Trotskyist consultants that we love so much. He's sincere, like Taubira, Hessel or BHL. He really thought he was keeping the Party's flame alive with his little blowtorch of egalitarian inquisiteur. It is as we want our members to be: frozen in an absolute essentialism, a Bolshevik tale where the villain remains indefinitely the same villain. (Ch. IV JOURNALITRISM p. 132) »
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother |
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother
« You never understood that equality was just a pretext, a marketing concept that found its innumerable target. All egalitarian revolutions lead to tyranny. Ours is smart, because we know exactly how to convince you that it is not. (Ch. II THE WORLD PERDU p. 64) »
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother |
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother
« From the window of the cottage, by the fire, Dr. Cachet looked at the mountains, their sun-rising ice. Their acute, photographic purity, their sidereal immobility. The principle of inviolability and power that emerged from these eternal giants. »
Laurent Obertone
Guerilla, Volume 2: The Time of the Barbarians |
Laurent Obertone
Guerilla, Volume 2: The Time of the Barbarians