« He had had this reflex of a fawn, to flee the ground, to take refuge at the top of things. »
Laurent Obertone
Guerilla, Volume 2: The Time of the Barbarians |
Laurent Obertone
Guerilla, Volume 2: The Time of the Barbarians
« Everything that is supposed to represent a reality, convey information, produce fiction, is controlled by the state, and, as always, financed in one way or another by TES IMPOTS. AGAINST YOUR WILL. Our system is untouchable. If private people financed a real opposition media, they would be wiped out by the state, its bosses and its minions, as a deviant journalist or artist would be wiped out by his caste. "I guess I'm pretty progressive," Pattinson said. But it's hard not to be when you're an actor" (Le Nouvel Obs, May 21, 2014). `...` everything that can succeed in the press will be set in step, bought by the omnipotent Big Brother, become advertising medium, devoured from the inside and digested. `...` There is so little difference between advertising and writing that publishing was invented to save time. Soon, everything will be unified, and you will only look at "info-infotainment." (Ch. IV JOURNALITARISM p. 146-147) »
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother |
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother
« War is peace. These armies of tolerants, `...`, these battalions of democrats, these regiments of open-mindedness devote their free time to prohibiting by all means the expression of divergent thoughts. (Ch. III THE TWO MINUTES OF THE HAINE p. 113) »
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother |
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother