« When death knocks on the door, morality tends to hide in the toilets. »
Laurent Obertone
Utya |
Laurent Obertone
« All egalitarian regimes, socialist or communist, form extremely unequal hierarchies. If power exists, equality cannot exist. Are you going to argue that there is no power? So you really have no idea of the immense privileges we enjoy on your back. (Ch. II THE WORLD PERDU p. 67) »
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother |
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother
« That is the art of politics. They advocate equality, democracy, justice, exclusively to crush you. We enjoy the fruits of your work. `...` We have done so well, that you will spend your life financing the enjoyment of individuals like our dear Daniel Cohn-Bendit, this rebellious button-down star of our programs of the late 60s, recycled among other waste in ecology, to become the Jean-Pierre Coffe of politics. You know that by having fun on set and in the European Parliament, this snake-charmer has won and will continue to earn tens of thousands of euros a month, considerable in-kind benefits, never any expenses to pay for his travels, his receptions and his lavish lifestyle? In the name of your EGALITE. Can you imagine? (Ch. II THE WORLD PERDU p. 65) »
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother |
Laurent Obertone
France's Big Brother